The firewood fundraiser that was originally scheduled for this Saturday, February 8th has been canceled due to weather. A later date will be announced, so keep an eye out!
about 4 hours ago, Kyla Cotten
iamge of fundraiser being canceled
🐺⚾️🐱 THS and TPA Baseball teams are hosting a firewood fundraiser! Come and get a truckload of Douglas Fir or Pine wood, and let the boys do the work! 12PM to 3PM on Saturday, February 8th at the THS Agriculture Barn.
about 4 hours ago, Kyla Cotten
image about firewood fundraiser
🐺⚾️🐱 THS and TPA Baseball teams are hosting a firewood fundraiser! Come and get a truckload of Douglas Fir or Pine wood, and let the boys do the work! 12PM to 3PM on Saturday, February 8th at the THS Agriculture Barn.
3 days ago, Kyla Cotten
image of firewood fundraiser
🎉🐺 Don't forget this Friday is an early release day! 🎉🐺 Have a great week Wolfpack!
3 days ago, Kyla Cotten
image of weekly events
🎉🐺 Hey there Wolfpack! Don't forget to order your yearbook while they're still only $72.50!! It is also the last opportunity for you to order a book with personalization (only available until February 7th). Seniors, be on the look out for an email with details regarding portraits, baby photos, senior ads, etc.
8 days ago, Kyla Cotten
image about yearbooks on sale
image about senior deadlines
🎉🐺 Good luck to our basketball teams on their three games this week! And good luck to our FBLA competitors this Saturday at their section conference!
9 days ago, Kyla Cotten
weekly events
Hello Parents/Guardians! Please be on the lookout for a letter notifying you if your student will receive an award at the Academic Awards on Thursday. Awards will begin around 12pm on Thursday in the gym.
15 days ago, Kyla Cotten
🎉🐺🎉 We hope everyone had a restful long weekend, and that everyone has a great week this week! Go Wolves!! 🎉🐺🎉
16 days ago, Kyla Cotten
image of weekly events
🐺🎭 Trinity High presents: Poetry Out Loud meets Literary Night! Join us on Thursday, January 16th from 5:30-7PM for student poetry, a guest speaker, and food/refreshments! We hope to see you there! 🐺🎭
23 days ago, Kyla Cotten
poetry out loud
🐺There is a site council meeting on Wednesday, January 15th from 4-5PM in the THS Library 🐺
24 days ago, Kyla Cotten
image about site council meeting
🐺🎉 Have an incredible week Wolfpack! 🐺🎉
24 days ago, Kyla Cotten
image of weekly events
Hello Trinity Families! Final grades for the Fall Semester have been posted in Aeries. Please login to your parent Aeries account to view them.
29 days ago, Kyla Cotten
🐺🎉Good morning Wolfpack! This is a reminder that today is the first day of our Wednesday adjusted schedule to include a study hall period. This will be the schedule every Wednesday going forward.🐺
29 days ago, Kyla Cotten
image of new study hall schedule
Welcome back Wolfpack! We hope everyone had a great break with their families and friends. Here is the weekly schedule! 🐺🎉
about 1 month ago, Kyla Cotten
weekly events
🎶🎄The THS Choir, THS Band and THS String Ensemble will all be performing festive songs of the season TODAY December 20 at the 2024 Student Musician Showcase. The event begins at 5 pm at the Trinity Alps Performing Arts Center.🎶🎄
about 2 months ago, Kyla Cotten
image of music showcase
🏘️ Your Voice Matters! 🏘️ Please complete the Trinity County Office of Education's Hazard Mitigation Survey to help us identify and address potential risks. 📋 Together, we can build a safer community! 💪
about 2 months ago, Kyla Cotten
image of hazard mitigation survey
There is a Site Council Meeting tomorrow, Wednesday December 18th from 4-5PM in the THS Library.
about 2 months ago, Kyla Cotten
image of site council meeting
🎶🎄The THS Choir, THS Band and THS String Ensemble will all be performing festive songs of the season on Friday, December 20 at the 2024 Student Musician Showcase. The event begins at 5 pm at the Trinity Alps Performing Arts Center.🎶🎄
about 2 months ago, Kyla Cotten
image of music showcase
Happy Finals Week Wolfpack! We wish everyone good luck on their finals as we head into Christmas Break! 🎄🐺
about 2 months ago, Kyla Cotten
image of weekly schedule
🏀🐺🔥 It's that time of year Wolfpack! The Holiday Classic begins today with games starting at 12:45PM at both the Cato-Davis Gym (THS) and the Chris Althof Gym (WES)! For the full bracket, schedule, and THS team rosters, head to this link or the link in our bio: Good luck to all our teams! 🏀🐺🔥
about 2 months ago, Kyla Cotten
image of holiday classic